Species: Mock Orange (Philadelphus lewisii)
Growth habits: Perennial shrub that prefers moist soil and does well in full sun or partial shade.
Size: Height: 8 - 10 ft, Width: 6 ft
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Produces clusters of sweet-smelling white flowers in late spring that develop into dark brown seed capsules. Easy to grow, very hardy and drought tolerant. Excellent for windbreaks.

Species: Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)
Growth habits: Small tree that prefers wet to moist soils and does well in full sun. Forms thickets.
Size: 10 - 20 ft, Width: 12 ft
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, long clusters of white flowers in spring that produce dark, bitter, red fruits that
are depended on by wildlife and can be cooked into a tasty sauce or jam. Avoid the pits, stems and leaves as they contain toxins.

Species: Rocky Mountain Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum)
Growth habits: Small, triangular, evergreen tree that thrives in dry, sunny areas.
Size: Height: 12 ft, Width: 8 ft
Container: 40 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Provides berries, shade, and winter cover for wildlife. Excellent for windbreaks or adding evergreen foliage to a landscape.

Species: Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius)
Growth habits: Small evergreen tree or large shrub.
Height: Up to 30 feet, slow growing
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Many small whiteish-yellow flowers are favored by pollinators and develop into fuzzy tailed seeds that are wind dispersed. This evergreen tree provides good winter forage and cover for wildlife. Drought tolerant and prefers full sun.

Species: Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
Life Cycle: Small tree that grows best in moist soil and in full sun or partial shade.
Size: Height: 10 - 14 ft, Width: 12 ft
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, clusters of white flowers in spring that produce white or blue fruits that are tasty to birds. Easily identified in winter by bright red bark. Fast-growing, native tree that is very adaptable to many locations. Wildfire resistant.

Species: Blue Elderberry (Sambucus cerulea)
Growth habits: Small tree that prefers wet to moist soils and does well in full sun or shade.
Height: 6 - 15 feet tall
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, produces clusters of white/cream flowers in spring that develop into powder blue fruits that are used for jam, wine, and medicine. Loved by wildlife for palatable forage, fruits, and the hollow stems make great insect habitat. Wildfire resistant.

Species: Cascara (Frangula pushiana)
Growth habits: Small tree that prefers moist soil and does well in full sun or shade. Well behaved in landscaping.
Height: 10 - 30 feet tall
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, clusters of greenish-yellow flowers in spring that produce dark red berries that are tasty to birds. Beautiful fall foliage. It is avoided by beavers and wildfire resistant.

Species: Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
Growth habits: Perennial shrub that is very adaptable to most soil, water, and light conditions. Can be maintained as a shrub, hedge in landscaping or allowed to spread.
Size: Height: 3 - 10 ft, Width: 4 ft
Container: One Gallon
Benefits: Creamy white flowers in spring develop into white berries. Snowberry is important for wildlife as it provides good forage and shelter for many species. Grows well in full sun or shade and is drought tolerant.

Species: Winterfat (Krascheninnikovia lanata)
Growth habits: Long-lived shrub (up to 130 years!) Full sun, salt tolerant, and drought tolerant.
Size: Height: 3 ft, Width: 3 ft
Container: 40 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Develops interesting puffy, white seed heads in the fall. Excellent for dry areas with poor, alkaline soil. No water needed once it gets established, slow growing, and provides excellent winter forage for wildlife.

Species: Gray Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosus)
Growth habits: Fall blooming shrub. Full sun, drought tolerant.
Size: Height: 4 ft, Width: 4 ft
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Important species for shrub-steppe habitats, brilliant yellow flowers bloom in fall to provide a rare, late-season nectar source for pollinators. Hardy and adaptable to most growing conditions, low water needs and great wildlife cover.

Species: Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.)
Growth habits: Perennial forb that is very hardy and adaptable to most soil conditions but prefers well-drained soil and does well in full sun or part shade.
Height: 1 - 3 feet tall
Container: 3.5 Inch Pot
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, produces white flower clusters in spring. Very drought tolerant. Widely used as medicine by many cultures.

Species: Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristata)
Growth habits: Perennial forb that prefers well-drained soils and full sun.
Height: 10 - 24 inches tall
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, tap-rooted, wildflower with showy yellow flowers in spring. Can cause mild skin irritation from contact with sap. Very drought tolerant.

Species: Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa)
Growth habits: Perennial forb that prefers well-drained soils and full sun, rhizomatous and spreads to form colonies that can be divided in fall to propagate.
Height: 2 - 4 feet
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Pollinator friendly wildflower with rose-purple flowers that smell wonderful. Flowers develop into seed pods. Host plant for several native butterfly species, including monarchs.

Species: Showy Daisy (Erigeron speciosus)
Growth habits: Perennial forb that prefers well-drained soils and full sun.
Height: variable, from 6 - 30 inches tall
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Pollinator friendly wildflower with purple, white, or yellow, daisy-like flowers. Host plant for several native butterfly species and flowers all summer long.

Species: Blue Flax (Linum lewisii)
Growth habits: Short-lived, perennial forb that is semi-evergreen and prefers well-drained soil and full sun.
Height: 10 - 24 inches tall
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Pollinator friendly, produces showy blue flowers in spring that develop into round seed capsules that are favored by birds but must be cooked to be used for human consumption.

Species: Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa)
Growth habits: A perennial forb that prefers well-drained, moist soils and does well in sunny or partially shady sites.
Height: ~3 ft
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Pollinator friendly wildflower that attracts hummingbirds and bees. Blooms into red and yellow flowers in late spring and early summer.

SOLD OUT! Species: Elegant Penstemon (Penstemon venustus)
SOLD OUT! Growth habits:Perennial forb that prefers well-drained soils and full sun.
SOLD OUT! Height: ~2 ft
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
SOLD OUT! Benefits: Pollinator friendly wildflower with purple flowers in the summer. Attracts pollinators and other insects. Has a sturdy taproot that stabilize the soil in erosion-prone areas. Drought tolerant.

Species: Idaho Fescue (Festuca idahoensis)
Growth habits: Small, perennial, native bunchgrass that prefers well- drained soils and full sun to part shade.
Height: 18 inches
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Produces a deep, extensive root system, excellent for erosion control. Very cold tolerant, moderately drought, shade, and wildfire tolerant. Good for pathways.

Species: Sandberg’s Bluegrass (Poa secunda)
Growth habits: Small, perennial, native bunchgrass that tolerates any of our native soils and full sun or part shade.
Size: Height: 1 ft, Width: 8 in
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Cool season perennial grass that can outcompete cheatgrass. It is low-growing and has wispy seed heads. Native grasses are important host plants for many pollinators.

Species: Bluebunch Wheatgrass (Psuedorogneria spicata)
Growth habits: Perennial, native bunchgrass that prefers well- drained soils and full sun to part shade.
Size: Height: 2 - 3 ft, Width: 2 ft
Container: 40 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Produces a deep, extensive root system, excellent for erosion control. Very cold tolerant, moderately drought, shade, and wildfire tolerant. Produces beautiful seed heads.

Species: Great Basin Wildrye (Leymus cinereus)
Growth habits: Large, perennial, native bunchgrass that prefers moist to dry well-drained soils and full sun or part shade.
Size: Height: 4 - 7 feet, Width: 2 – 4 ft
Container: 10 Cubic Inch Plug
Benefits: Produces a deep, extensive root system, excellent for erosion control. Cold tolerant, moderately drought, shade, and wildfire tolerant. Excellent forage in spring. Good windbreak or to hide unsightly objects.