
  • Gose

  • Gose

The Gose Street Bridge site was a fish passage barrier limiting access to the Mill Creek drainage which includes 52 miles of stream habitat. At the Gose Street Bridge, the concrete flood-control channel that protects Walla Walla had a steep drop for about 600 feet. During times of low flows, the water was shallow, warm, and moving quickly across a wide, steep channel. WWCCD and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation (CTUIR) worked to design a new system to eliminate the fish barrier. The project consisted of installation of two pool and chute fish ladders, a low-flow channel, and two concrete cross-channel weirs.

Most of the work was completed in the fall of 2006 with final in-water work completed in the summer of 2008. Funding was provided by the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board (Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office) the Bonneville Power Administration, and the CTUIR. The final report is available here: Final Report For Gose Street