Greg Kinsinger (center) receives award from Clinton O’Keefe, Conservation Commission Supervisor, and Mark Clark, Executive Director, WSCC
The District is pleased to announce that WWCCD was named SE Area District of the Year and Greg Kinsinger awarded SE Area District Employee of the Year! Greg was recognized for his work on the highly successful fish screen program. Greg has helped manufacturers improve their fish screen designs to better meet the needs of Walla Walla irrigators. He’s led the program in helping landowners install well over 300 fish screens. Greg has become the regional expert on screens and meters and is the go-to guy when other districts need help on a project. In addition, Greg provides support to the Walla Walla Basin Watershed Management Partnership, runs the District meter program, and has headed up some of the largest piping projects in the region. Greg is a highly capable, valued member of the staff and well-deserving of this recognition!