
Voluntary Stewardship Program: Going Strong!

The District is moving forward helping area farmers and the county implement the VSP work plan. VSP is a voluntary alternative to regulation under the Critical Areas Ordinance. It demonstrates that the critical areas on ag. ground are being protected through voluntary conservation measures. These are things most farmers and ranchers are currently doing, like no-till and protecting riparian buffers. Progress is reported at 5-year intervals. And the stakes are high: if we can’t demonstrate that area farmers and ranchers are protecting critical areas, then ag. will be regulated under the strict requirements of the Critical Areas Ordinance. To learn more, contact the District office and check out the VSP web page here.

June 7, 2012

A Drive to Revive Arbor Day

Arbor Day will be celebrated on April 11, this year and more than 620 Fourth Graders in Walla Walla County, will rollup their sleeves and plant […]