The Washington State Department of Ecology will be completing a region-wide assessment of the Snake River region and its tributaries. The purpose of the assessment is to quantify Salmon habitat improvements for State and Federal legislative review. The results of the study will be on a region-wide to state-wide level.
The study will take place between July 1 and October 1, 2016. A 4-member crew will be visiting 55 potential sites. These stream habitat sites are chosen randomly. They will measure the stream channel width, depth, side bank characterization, particle size, urban encroachment, habitat units, presence of side channels, and presence of fish/invertebrates. The assessment should take 4-6 hours per location. For sites on private land, Ecology will always contact the landowners in advance and will not proceed without express permission. The potential sites for 2016 are listed at the Ecology website:
This study is completed annually statewide. However, the study area rotates to different regions about every 7 years. If you have additional questions, contact Renee Hadley at the District or Carol Smith, Project Manager for the Environmental Assessment Program with Dept. of Ecology.